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Perforated Tabletop Candle Set

Perforated Tabletop Candle Set

Cod SKU: C-01
12,00$ Preț normal
10,80$Preț redus

Candles, through the light they spread, are the expression of prayer and faith in God. Their lighting and burning is an offering. At the same time, they have a deeper meaning, being considered symbols of sharing in the divine light. For this reason, they are present both in the holy places of worship and in the homes of the faithful. Wall candles are used by believers in their homes, placed on the wall, in the area of ​​icons, or at the place of prayer.

Livrare convenabilă

Expediem oriunde în SUA și oferim transport gratuit pentru comenzile de peste 75 USD.

Adevărata calitate 

Produsele noastre provin din surse reputate din Europa și din inima Muntelui Athos.

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