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Metal Incense Burner | Medium

Metal Incense Burner | Medium

Cod SKU: IB-05
12,00$ Preț normal
10,80$Preț redus

Incense Burner: it is a small metal or clay object in which incense is lit in the church or in the house. Every Christian can use incense, myrrh, and catharsis in their home, along with many other things useful for spiritual life. In the house we can light incense whenever we feel the need, but especially when we pray. The Christian can spread incense himself throughout the house, after making the sign of the Holy Cross above the burning incense. The fragrant incense is the sign of our pure prayer that rises to God, but also the sign of God's gift and presence.

Metal + Wood

Livrare convenabilă

Expediem oriunde în SUA și oferim transport gratuit pentru comenzile de peste 75 USD.

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Produsele noastre provin din surse reputate din Europa și din inima Muntelui Athos.

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